#44 Coffee with John

The takeaway: courage and tenacity take many forms and shapes.

We sometimes admire the bravery of others, admiring them for qualities that we might not have or think we don’t.

Not to take anything away from that source of inspiration, but we sometimes do not acknowledge our own acts of bravery and the many roads we have had to take to get us where we stand today.

We are all brave, one way or another. What you have gone through not many would have been able to endure. If there is an area you feel lacking, then draw inspiration from those around you and challenge yourself.

You are able to conquer whatever you want. Not easy at times but who said it would be.

#43 Coffee with John

Today marked Coffee with John#43.

This was my first time meeting someone since before I left for Colombia. Aside from being busy, I just hadn’t really pursued meeting up with anyone.

Today’s meet up just kind of happened – met a new friend from a networking event I attended last week.

I have to say that I really enjoy talking to people and letting the conversation go where it wants to go.

The takeaway: get comfortable in your own skin. Accept your quirkiness and your whole being.

Sure, there is always areas of our lives that we can improve but you have do that without compromising the essence of what makes you, you.

Love yourself and embrace your “weirdness.”